Система управления молочным хозяйством


Вскрытие НАЧАЛО

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Система управления молочным хозяйством



Normal Splenic Tissue

The spleen may differ in size and color depending on how the animal died. It may become engorged with blood if euthanasia drugs where used. It is normally a flat organ that has a gray to purple color to it. On the cut surface you may see areas of red mixed with areas of white. The red areas are red blood cells and the white areas are white blood cells.
Here the spleen is still attached to the stomach
There will normally be some blood that will ooze out of the spleen. If the spleen is left out it will start to shrink and become a darker color. Depending on how the animal died, the spleen may be enlarged and filled with blood whereas, other times it may be small.



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